Currently, there are about a million of gang members identified in the
Human Efforts Aimed at Relating Together (HEART) is a program to inform youths about the dangers of joining a gang and to prevent and reduce violence. HEART is a mediation program implemented in
Over the years, HEART has been an effective program to reduce school violence as well as to prevent youths from joining gangs. According to Pete Salazar,
What makes HEART an effective program? HEART is an effective program to reduce school violence and prevent youths from joining gangs because it involves representatives from each ethnic, racial, and religious group to teach youths about cultural differences, and it provides a secure and safe environment as well as assistance and guidance. Since many of these youths are face with racial discrimination and lack guidance from their single-parent, HEART provides information, builds relationships and identity, and a place to study.
Unfortunately, the HEART program and many other prevention programs are suffering from a budget crisis. HEART’s budget is being cut in half, leaving only eight counselors to provide guidance, assist, and talk to students in about 400 public middle and high schools. Many individuals and the government have argue that education is the most effective method to reduce gang violence, but funding have been cut, leaving students with no books, no music classes, and recreational classes; therefore, leaving children with no choice, but to be on the streets and possibility of using violence and joining gangs. Most of these children, live with a single parent and are absent in their children lives; therefore, they need other mentors to guide them in the right path of their future. In addition, these youths want an education and are willing to learn. For example, one student says that she completes her homework at two in the morning because it is the only time that it’s peaceful for her to concentrate. Most of these children want to learn and earn an education, but with the lack of resources and living situations, they feel discouraged and tend to give up. Another student reveals that he was bruised and bloodied arriving to school every single day because he had to arrive to school through enemy territories. Children need love, affection, and belongingness, so we need to make an effort to persuade the government for more funding while we can dedicate our times to volunteer and make a difference.
Other gang prevention programs include:
Positive Education and Action to Create Excellence (PEACE)
Top image: http://murcha.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/school-children.jpg
Image with females: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kamala-lopez/stop-tearing-the-heart-ou_b_229743.html
Lopez, Kamala. (July 2009). Stop Tearing the Heart Out of
Wedner, Diane. (September 1999). Class Notes/NEWS FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOLS-Students End Fights With HEART.